A-How to Root Note 2
Step 1. Put your Galaxy Note 2 into Download mode by turning off your phone first then holding down Volume Down, Center Home, and Power buttons together.
Step 2. Once you see the warning screen, hit Volume Up button to enter ODIN Download Mode then connect a micro-USB cable from your Note 2 to your computer.
Step 3. If you don’t have Samsung USB drivers installed, go ahead and download it below and run it to install.
Step 4. Next, download GalaxyNote2Root.zip
Step 5. Unzip the files. Next, open up the ODIN program by double-clicking on the .exe file.
Step 6. You should see a yellow-highlighted COM box with a random number. If you don’t see it, double-check yourWindows drivers (the Samsung USB drivers you installed in Step 3) and unplug, plug your Note 2 back into your computer.
Step 7. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE and click on “PDA” button then find the file cwm6-root-note2.tar.
Step 8. Hit Start and let ODIN flash the custom CWM Recovery . When it’s done, your Galaxy Note 2 will reboot and you should have a fully rooted Galaxy Note 2.
Your phone will boot into newly installed CWM Recovery automatically once and install Superuser app and su binaries then reboot.
You should find a new Superuser app called “SuperSU”.
You can easily verify you have root by downloading Titanium Backup app (free on Play Store) and running it. You should get a nice Superuser permission pop-up window like below:
Credits – XDA
ṇhow to check your phone if it's rooted or not? go to play store and search app ROOT checked
B: How to back up your ROM before install a new ROM
After rooting your Galaxy Note 2, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to make a backup ROM at least once.
What is a ROM backup?
ROM backup is basically a snapshot of your whole Android OS. Backing up ROM is similar to Timemachine feature on a Mac or Windows operating system recovery .
Basically, backing up your ROM backs up EVERYTHING except the contents of your internal storage/SD card including your apps, app data, settings, contacts, etc…etc…
Why backup ROM?
Backing up ROM allow you to easily restore to a previous point in time without having you to start all over from scratch when things go wrong.
So, I highly recommend you to do this, here’s how to do it easily:
Before we begin, I assume you’ve rooted your Note 2 using methods on our site, that will automatically install CWM Recovery. If you didn’t, follow our root method first.
Step 1. Turn off you Note 2. Then hold down Volume Up, Center Home, and Power buttons together until you see blue menus, this is CWM Recovery.
Step 2. Choose “backup and restore” in CWM Recovery and hit the Power button.
Step 3. Choose either “backup” (backs up to your internal storage) or “backup to external sdcard” (backs up to your micro SD card).
Step 4. Backup should take around 5-10 minutes. Make sure you have enough space in your internal storage or microSD card before trying this.
Step 5. For restoring at any time to any of your backups, simply reboot into CWM Recovery, choose “backup and restore” (Step 1-2) and hit “restore” or “restore from external sdcard”.
Step 6. You should see all of your backups timestamped and you can choose your backup here to restore.
Step 7. Restoring will take 5-10 minutes. That’s IT!
Where are the backups actually stored? They are stored in “clockworkmod” directory.
If you want to save space, you can move the whole “clockworkmod” folder to your computer.
C: How to back up your data, sms, contact before installing a new ROM
For those of you who have rooted your newly-wedded Galaxy Note 2 and want to install custom ROMs, here’s a tutorial that can help you backup and restore all of your apps, SMS, contacts, and settings.
Most custom ROMs require you to do a data wipe/factory reset in CWM Recovery , which means all your apps, SMS text messages, contacts, and settings will be gone (although the contents of your storage are in tact such as videos and photos).
So, how do you get these things backed up and restored so you don’t have to start over from scratch?
You can use various apps like Titanium Backup app for apps, SMS backup app for SMS text messages,Google backup feature for settings (such as Wifi passwords), and GMail for contacts.
First, for contacts, I highly recommend you to make a GMail account as having a GMail account on your phone automatically backs up all your contacts and when you simply sign in to GMail, your contacts are automatically restored. Even if you don’t use GMail as main e-mail, just make a dummy GMail account for your contacts, makes your life much easier.
For SMS text messages, there’s many, many apps that allow you to backup and restore your SMS texts, you can use SMS Backup & Restore app for one.
Google Android OS also offers backup and restore feature from Google’s servers (you can find it under Settings->Backup and reset), you can use this feature to backup up apps, wifi passwords, and other settings.
Now, I highly recommend you to use Titanium Backup app for backing up your apps. (It’s also a great app to easily remove bloatware on your Note 2.) This app is great since you can also use it to move all of your apps (with data) to other Android devices you might have. For example, you want to keep that level 30 on Angry Birds from your old Droid smartphone to the Note 2, you can use Titanium Backup app to do it.
Here’s a quick start guide on how to use Titanium Backup app for your rooted Galaxy Note 2:
Step 1. Download and run Titanium Backup app from Play Store. (No Pro version needed for backing up, I highly recommend you to get the Pro version for restoring apps though.)
Step 2. Select “Schedules” and hit “RUN”. Anytime you have more new apps to backup you can use this menu to make a backup of your apps and its data.
Once backup starts, you will be able to see progress in your notification bar.
Also, your backups get stored in your internal storage or SD card under the directory TitaniumBackup folder. If you want to move it to your computer or another Android device, just copy this whole folder.
Step 3. Once you’ve backed up all of your apps using Titanium Backup app. You are good to go. Go ahead and install a new custom ROM. Then re-install Titanium Backup app.
Make sure USB debugging is checked on under Settings->Developers options.
And also make sure Unknown sources is checked ON under Settings->Security.
Step 4. Once those are set, simply hit the check button on the top right to and scroll down to Restore tab on Titanium Backup app. You will see a bunch of options, I highly recommend the option, “Restore missing apps with data” for most people. I don’t recommend restoring any system apps or data for most purposes as that can break your custom ROM.
That’s pretty much it. Now you should know how to easily backup your apps, SMS, contacts, and settings while switching between ROMs.
Also, you can use Samsung Kies program to backup but some custom ROMs may not be compatible with Kies and that is the reason for this alternative method so you can install any custom ROM and easily restore all of your stuff.
Go enjoy!
D: How to Install a new Rom:
Want to install a custom ROM on your rooted Galaxy Note 2?
Well, here’s a universal install guide for those of you who don’t know how to install custom ROM.
Before we begin, go ahead and make sure you make a backup of your apps, SMS, contacts, etc.
Step 1. All custom ROMs come in a zip file format. Usually there’s 1 or 2 files you will need. So, go ahead and download the ROM zip file(s). In this example, I will be installing a custom ROM called Space X, so I downloaded SpaceX.zip, which is the ROM file. Copy the whole file (DO NOT UNZIP) to the internal storage or microSD card of your Note 2.
Step 2. Turn off your Note 2. Then boot into CWM Recovery by holding down Volume Up, Center Home, and the Power buttons together.
Step 3. Before you go any further, make sure you made at least one backup ROM. If you didn’t, please see How to Backup/Restore ROM on Galaxy Note 2 before preceding!!!
Next, use the Volume buttons to choose “wipe data/factory reset” and hit the Power button. This will erase all of your settings, apps, etc… However it will not erase anything on your internal storage/microSD card such as photos and videos.
Step 4. Next choose “install zip from sdcard”.
Step 5. Next choose either “choose zip from sdcard” (if you copied the ROM zip file to internal storage) or “choose zip from external sdcard” (if you copied the ROM zip file to microSD card).
Step 6. Browse your file system on Note 2 and find the ROM zip file. If you have ROM zip file and Gapps zip file, choose the ROM zip file first.
Step 7. Choose “Yes”.
Installation should take around 5 minutes.
Step 8. Once done installing ROM, you can also install additional files need by repeating Steps 4-7). For example, you can install your Gapps zip file here.
Step 9. Lastly but not least, choose “wipe cache partition” from main menu. This will erase the “cache” partition, which are basically just temporary files and doing this may help prevent unwanted bootloops.
Step 10. Choose “Reboot system now” to reboot.
Step 11. The first boot will take around 5 minutes. You should see a welcome screen pop up. If so, congratulations, you’ve successfully installed your first custom ROM!
Step 12. Now, go ahead and restore all of your apps, SMS, contacts.
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